gdInputAutoActivate * = 13; (* input gadgets: acivate after GADGETUP next or previous input gadget *)
gdStringUnsignedDec * = 14; (* string gadgets: input default no pointer to string but an unsigned decimal number *)
gdStringSignedDec * = 15; (* string gadgets: input default no pointer to string but an signed decimal number *)
gdStringHex * = 16; (* string gadgets: input default no pointer to string but an hex number *)
gdStringBin * = 17; (* string gadgets: input default no pointer to string but an binary number *)
gdScrollerNoArrows * = 18; (* scroller gadget: no arrows - default with arrows *)
gdCountSignedDec * = 19; (* count gadget: signed dec - default unsigned dec *)
gdListviewReadOnly * = 20; (* list view gadget: read only - default selection enabled *)
gdListviewShowSelected * = 21; (* list view gadget: show last selected entry - default no *)
gdPaletteNoIndicator * = 22; (* palette gadget: no current color indicator - default with indicator *)
gdPaletteIndicatorTop * = 23; (* palette gadget: place indicator at top - default at left *)
gdMovePointer * = 24; (* move mouse pointer to center of this gadget *)
gdNoClear * = 25; (* don't clear area occupied by this gadget before drawing *)
gdSliderImage * = 26; (* kludge to define image for knob of proportional gadget in gdTextAttr (if text then default TextAttr used) *)
gdListviewEntryColor * = 27; (* list view gadget: if first char of an entry text equals <Ctrl A> ($01) then this char will be skipped and the rest of this entry text will be printed in a different color *)
gdInputCenter * = 28; (* input gadgets: center input string within gadget *)
gdInputRight * = 29; (* input gadgets: right justify input string within gadget *)